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The 4 Things You Don’t Realize You Look For in a Summer Vacation Hotel

Kelly Kelly

Updated: Apr 8, 2024

The heat is on, and the nights are long – ah, summer is upon us. You’ve been looking forward to your meticulously planned summer trip for months, and it’s almost here. Wait, you have planned your dream summer vacation already… haven’t you? Fret not, last-minute vacation idea lookers. While the rest of the world plans their perfect trip of excursions, expensive cocktails, and fine dining reservations, after reading this article, YOU alone will know the secrets to the best summer vacation hotel stay.  At Case and Associates Hospitality Renovation Specialists, we have spent the last three decades building the “WOW” factor in hotels and resorts nationwide. This experience tells us that there are 4 things people look for in a great vacation – and they’re none of the things we listed before. That’s right, this blog is for the hotel owners as much as it is for the hotel guests. Here are the top 4 things people look for in a summer vacation to remember.

A Place to Do Nothing

That’s right. Nothing. If your hospitality property doesn’t have space for meandering, lounging, or sitting in the sun, you are depriving your hospitality guests of the opportunity to rest outside of their hotel suite. And while a beautiful hotel room interior is important, it’s not where 90% of vacation memories are actually made. Spacious and unique hotel lobbies invite the “spontaneous” factor into your guest experience. In these moments of unstructured relaxation, guests can mingle with other guests, plan their day, sit by themselves in a busy area (this is great for introverted guests who want to experience the hotel without interacting with others), and, most importantly, decide how they feel about where they are staying. If your guests don’t have that “WOW” moment early on in their vacation, they are less likely to have a positive attitude throughout the rest of their stay. If the guest doesn’t have time to think about how great the hotel is until they get home, they are much less likely to write that oh-so-important 5-star review. Here’s a great example of a place to do nothing. Case and Associates redesigned the lobby of the Hotel Magnolia in Houston to provide ample seating while ensuring that every seat can be occupied by a stranger without being awkward.

A Dreamy Bathroom

There’s something about a private bathroom with big mirrors, spacious tile floors, and lots of natural light. Add a spacious shower with a rainfall head or an oversized bear claw bathtub, and you’ve got a personal spa that can rival any beachside relaxation. It’s no wonder that an amazing bathroom in a hotel unit is quickly becoming the most important aspect of a vacation rental. Why is that? Consumers have thousands of unique stays available at their fingertips through Airbnb, and those listings are often photographed more carefully, artfully, and with more personality than the photos of a standard hotel chain. It is common knowledge among Airbnb hosts that the bathroom can make or break a listing’s popularity – so why shouldn’t this be common knowledge among hospitality property managers?

The Possibility of Buying Property Nearby

Did you know that the Michelin Guide used to be read like a travel book? In the early years of the Michelin Guide, this literature was akin to a “National Geographic” magazine that transported readers to beautiful European destinations. Nowadays, vacation dreamers scroll through AirBnB as they clutch their pocketbooks and wish they could afford them. But what happens when these vacationers actually make it to a vacation? They turn to Zillow, or a similar property listing website. Dreaming of purchasing a summer property is a big indicator that you are having a great vacation! As a hospitality property owner, this is exactly what you want your guests to do. The odds are that these vacationers will never actually buy a local property, and that’s okay. These vacationers will compromise with themselves and do the next best thing – come back to your hotel!

A Place You’ll Consider Your “Secret Getaway”

This is the ultimate goal of a vacationer: find that “secret getaway” you can take with you in your memories. Find the “happy place” that lives forever in your mind. Find that “special spot” that you can come back to someday. Sometimes this looks like a specific corner of the hotel bar or a poolside area under a tree. This can also look like a hole-in-the-wall restaurant on the outskirts of the tourist area or even an off-the-map dive bar. Whatever it is, you are definitely looking for it. And if you can’t find it, you probably aren’t going to remember this vacation as your favorite. As a hotel owner, you can’t control what happens outside of your property. However, you can find ways to create spaces for your guests to find that “secret getaway”. Consider building a small and secluded reading nook in view of the pool or a small speakeasy-style bar in the back of your lounge. Perhaps you can create a scenic area on your rooftop for couples to rent for private date nights. Whatever you do, make sure that it’s not overtly advertised. These easter eggs create a sense of discovery that is a shortcut to making your property one to remember.

Build the WOW Factor with Case and Associates Hospitality Renovation Specialists

With over 30 years of dedicated hospitality construction and renovation experience at the highest level, Case and Associates is the perfect partner for creating a property that guests will never forget. We specialize in upscale renovations with minimal downtime, meaning we help you make more money faster. We build the WOW; on time, every time. Call us today at 713.789.5530, or send us a message here to get started.


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